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goodies that we do

Order food online in Invisto Cake! It's so easy to use, fast and convenient. Try our new, online website which contains our entire takeaway menu. The Invisto Cake is located in Doncaster . You can now order online, all your favorite dishes and many more delicious options, and have them delivered straight to your door in no time at all.

chocolate cake

new arrivals

more about chocolate crumble

Proin mattis rutrum magna, et pretium erat tincidunt at. Donec
lectus ipsum, pulvinar id sollicitudin id, bibendum vel quam

chocolate cupcake
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Creamy chocolate
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Brownie lava
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Cherry crumble
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choco Cookies
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chocolate Swirl
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Milkshake combo
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MochaFudge cake
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